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Make An Impact on the Communities We Serve - Donations Now Accepted via Payroll Deduction

For many years, Western Dairy Transport employees have been deeply rooted in the principles of philanthropy and giving from the heart. Last year, the WDT Community Involvement Committee was humbled by the generosity and overwhelming contributions while serving hundreds of children during the Christmas season. It is our desire to widen the awareness of how a small weekly contribution via payroll deduction collectively as a group can impact many additional kids and families this year. In addition, our Committee continues to hold fundraisers throughout the year as we strive to do more, help more, and be more in the communities we serve.

Please consider the positive message that is possible through your kindness and willingness to give:

$1.00 a week $52.00

$2.00 a week $104.00

$3.00 a week $156.00

$4.00 a week $ 208.00

$5.00 a week $260.00

Ten weekly payroll deductions at $1.00 throughout the course of a year would total $520.00, and provide Christmas wants, needs, and joy for five children in need. Contact Mindy Brewer in payroll if you wish to contribute via payroll deduction.

Acts 20:35

"In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way, we remember the Lord Jesus' words: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive."


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