WDT Cabool Blood Drive Competition
Date: January 28th
Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Cabool HS FEMA Building
Competition Rules
Department Participation: Each department at Cabool (e.g., Operations, Maintenance, Payroll, Safety, etc.) competes as a team.
Points will be awarded based on percentage participation to account for departments of different sizes.
Example: If a department has 10 employees and 5 donate blood, their participation rate is 50%.
Bonus points:
+5 points for first-time donors.
+3 points for employees who bring a guest to donate.
Winner Determination: The department with the highest total score (percentage participation + bonus points) wins. Make sure you sign in with the volunteers to record your participation.
Winner Prize
The winning department will receive:
A Pizza Party!
Bragging rights and a traveling trophy!
